UV Masterbatch

Exposure to sunlight and a few artificial lights can have adverse effects on the useful lifetime of plastic products. UV radiation can break down the chemical bonds within the polymer. This process is named photo degradation. It ultimately causes cracking, chalking, color changes and therefore the loss of physical properties. 

To counteract the damaging effect of UV light, UV stabilizers are wont to solve the degradation problems related to exposure to sunlight. UV stabilizers are often categorized by two general classifications – ultraviolet absorber (UVA) and hindered amine light stabilizers (HALS).

They are doing not absorb UV radiation but act to inhibit degradation of the polymer. Significant levels of stabilization are achieved at relatively low concentrations.
SSA offers state of the art solutions to supply superior UV protection by giving unique formulations to suit the wants of our customers consistent with the appliance and climate of a specific location. SSA vast range of UV Stabilizers and Absorbers can protect polymers and plastic end-products from UV rays, preventing its degradation in outdoor exposure.


• Flexible packaging for outdoor applications
• Greenhouse films
• Injection moulded articles for outdoor use (eg. garden chairs, crates)
• Automotive compounds
• Parking Shades

Sr No

Grade Name

Carrier Resin

Application With Usp




ST7870 UV


Woven sacks & Blown film with excellent UV resistance in outdoor applications.


ST7970 UV


Woven sacks & Blown film with high UV resistance, excellent Anti - sulphur properties & pesticide resistance.