BioSafe (Compostable Compound)

Since plastic waste features a tendency to finish up in our parks, waterways and other sensitive ecosystems, it’s important to verify when buying biodegradable resins that “biodegradable” doesn’t simply mean the potential to disintegrate into pieces invisible to the eye. True biodegradability means the power to be weakened by bacteria of other organisms i.e. “compostable”


Compostable means a product is capable of breaking down into natural elements during a compost environment. Because it’s weakened into its natural elements it causes no harm to the environment. The breakdown process usually takes about 90 days.

Although biodegradable materials return to nature and may disappear completely they often leave behind metal residue, on the opposite hand, compostable materials create something called humus that’s filled with nutrients and great for plants. In summary, compostable products are biodegradable, but with another benefit. That is, once they break down, they release valuable nutrients into the soil, aiding the expansion of trees and plants.

Compostable goods are a specifically organic matter which breaks down, the top product having many beneficial uses which include fertilizing and improving soil health. Most significantly compostable items don’t leave toxic residue behind because it’s already organic. Unlike compostable, certain biodegradable products can take several years to interrupt down and in some cases even leave toxic industrial waste behind.

Compostable plastics are getting to substitute conventional single-use plastics because the environmental hazards are becoming out of control. SSA offers an able to use a compostable compound which goes to be 100% environmental friendly because it decomposes into the soil in 3 months and doesn’t affect the fertility of the soil.

SSA offers major advantages to process compostable compounds:
• Optimum product quality and process flexibility
• Dedicated screw profiles, ensuring mixing quality
• Continuous processing of chemical reactions, mixing and blending
• Combined micro-mixing and macro-mixing functions
• Controlled melting, degassing, cooling and forming
• Easy access to screws, reduced downtime between batches and simplifying changeover

Sr No

Grade Name

Carrier Resin

Application With Usp




BL 2000

Pla + Pbat

Blown film with excellent flow ability for easy processing.


BL 7000

Pla + Pbat

Blown film with excellent dispersion.


BL 5508G

Pla + Pbat

Blown film with eye catching green colour.


BT 1060W


Blown film with bright white colour.